Can COVID-19 hygiene measures cause cancer?

Here is what Google Trends say on what was most searched when Covid-19 was at its peak in 2020 By Nabeela Khan The pandemic brought along with it a few health protocols – recommended by the WHO and the CDC, as also various governments. Wearing a mask, washing hands regularly with soap, use of infrared […]

Covid vaccine scams hit Asia

Fraudsters in Asia are sending out fake texts, offering a Covid vaccine or registration for the vaccine in an attempt to steal personal and financial information. By Nabeela Khan At a time, when vaccines are being rolled out all around the world, people are eager to receive vaccines. But the process of vaccinating millions of […]

Three common myths about polio vaccine

Myths about the polio vaccine continue to reappear. This World Polio Day, we debunk the most common myths about the polio vaccine.

Drinking tea is not a cure for Covid-19

Claims about tea being a cure for COVID-19 have been doing the rounds since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak. While the popular drink may be beneficial for health in general, it certainly doesn’t have any curative powers against the deadly virus. 

Myths about polycystic ovary syndrome and why they’re misleading

Since polycystic ovary syndrome is not well understood, there is widespread misinformation about this condition.  Misinformation can impact its diagnosis leading to assumptions and generalisations in the absence of facts. 

Unproven COVID-19 treatment list circulates on Whatsapp

A photo of a list of treatments claiming to have been recommended to “patients recovering from the hospital” along with a listing of symptoms is circulating on WhatsApp in India. The claims are false with unsubstantiated remedies.

No, washing hands with lemon will not protect you from Covid-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 10 fake claims citing the medicinal properties of lemon or drinking hot lemon juice or mixing lemon with soda, tea have been doing rounds. A new claim saying that washing hands with lemon juice can protect from coronavirus is unsubstantiated. We found that there is no study or data to back up this claim.

Trends in Covid-19 misinformation in India

Amid an unprecedented global health crisis, health journalists faced a double whammy – one to report effectively on the pandemic and the other to fight the tide of misinformation which spread faster than the virus itself. Here is an analysis of how fake news hit India at various stages during Covid-19.

Why a lot of Covid-19 infographics are wrong?

There is a lot of data visualisation about COVID-19 which can be misleading. We identified five common mistakes in data visualisation and how one can spot them.