FACT CHECK: What are the health benefits of consuming Amla?

FACT CHECK: What are the health benefits of consuming Amla?

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Consuming the Indian gooseberry, known as Amla, has multiple health benefits.


Amla has anti- ageing properties. It also helps with controlling blood-sugar and cholesterol levels.

The lore on ancient Indian medicine has always waxed eloquent about the multiple health benefits of consuming Indian Gooseberry (Amla)- from being an excellent source of Vitamin C and rejuvenator of health to enhancing food absorption and fertility among both men and women.

So, is the humble Amla as powerful as it is touted to be?

Team First Check undertook an investigation by way of meta-analysis of the available literature on health benefits of consuming Amla, and found that even medical science journals published by research groups in the developed nations, have written about the health benefits that Amla affords on those that consume it regularly.

The potential health benefits of Amla according to these studies range from helping control one's blood-cholesterol and blood-sugar levels, to having anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They also say it helps the digestive tract and protects the nervous system.

What makes Amla so beneficial to health? The health benefits of consuming Amla have so far been attributed to certain bioactive compounds called phytochemicals and to the Vitamin C content of the fruit. Together, these offer protection to those that consume it against oxidative damage caused by environmental toxins and by the body’s metabolic processes.

Are there any other benefits of consuming Vitamin C? The soluble fibre in Amla slows down the rate of digestion of carbohydrates and thereby prevents an abrupt rise in blood-sugar levels. Thus, consuming Amla is beneficial for diabetics. Further, clinical trials of the effect of Amla on lipid levels in the body have shown promising results—Amla helped reduce lipid levels such as cholesterol. Reduced lipid levels further help in controlling one’s blood pressure levels. However, since the sample for the trial was small, more investigations would help to validate the heart healthy effects associated with consuming Amla.

What effect does consuming Amla have on one’s skin? Consuming Amla exercises anti-ageing effects on one’s skin by exhibiting anti-collagenase, and anti-elastase activity. Anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activity refers to the ability of Amla to preserve collagen and elastin of the skin, thereby helping restore youthful looks. Elastin and Collagen are proteins that impart structure and flexibility to the skin.
