How to cultivate a healthier information ecosystem – An excerpt from First Check’s Coffee Table Book

How to cultivate a healthier information ecosystem – An excerpt from First Check’s Coffee Table Book

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healthier information

Governments and private sector must work together to create efficient tools and guidelines to combat health misinformation. 

In the era of social media, we are constantly bombarded with information, which if not interpreted correctly can lead to disastrous consequences, as we have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the right health information can help us to make sound choices, misinformation and disinformation lead to confusion, harassment, and harmful health consequences. 

As a healthcare professional, who has to deal with the impact of health mis/disinformation on a day-to-day basis, I believe that the best way to deal with this public health challenge is to create a ‘verified digital ecosystem’ where every post is analysed and verified as safe or unsafe before it is published on any social media channels. 

Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can play a crucial role in making this a reality. Governments and the private sector need to work together in this global effort to create efficient tools and guidelines in order to cultivate a healthier information ecosystem. 

It’s also important to invest in regular trainings and awareness programmes. I believe that all universities should have dedicated courses on battling mis/disinformation as part of their curriculum. That’s the most efficient and sustainable way to build long-term resilience and win the battle against health mis/disinformation.

Dr Maulik Patel is a consultant physician based in India and a member of First Check team of experts. 
