FACT CHECK: Is frequent déjà vu harmless or a red flag for illness?

Feeling ‘already seen’ too often? Here’s what it might mean


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Repeated and chronic experiences of déjà vu are a sign of neurological or psychological illness, such as temporal lobe epilepsy or psychiatric conditions 


True. Déjà vu is harmless in healthy individuals. But if experienced repeatedly along with seizures, it could indicate temporal lobe epilepsy or other neurological disorders  

A reel posted by @docpriyankasehrawat with more than 37,000 views 

contends that chronic déjà vu is a sign of a neurological and psychological illness.  

“Déjà vu, as a term, comes from French and means ‘already seen.’ It’s a feeling—a sense that what is happening in the present has already occurred before. This feeling can happen normally,” Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat explains in the video. 

“However, if it occurs repeatedly, chronically, or for a prolonged period, it could be a sign of a neurological illness, such as temporal lobe epilepsy. Additionally, it may also indicate certain psychiatric conditions,” she adds, highlighting the importance of seeking medical advice if one experiences persistent or recurring episodes of déjà vu. 

What is déjà vu and why does it occur? 

As already explained by Dr Sehrawat, Déjà vu is an eerie sensation of having experienced a current situation before, even though it is happening for the first time.  It is thought that as much as 97% of the population have experienced déjà vu at least once in their lifetime and 67% experience it regularly.  

This study, available on the scientific literature database PubMed, found that the exact mechanism of this phenomenon is not known. It explores the links between déjà vu and several other phenomena and conditions, including false memories, temporal lobe epilepsy, and other neurological disorders.  

"In psychiatric patients, the déjà vu phenomenon is more often seen in patients with anxiety and people with derealisation/depersonalization,” the study pointed out. “It seems that the temporal region [of the brain] is the origin of déjà vu phenomena in both healthy individuals and in individuals with neurological and psychiatric conditions, but the exact mechanism of this phenomenon is however still unknown."  

According to Dr Akira O’Connor, a senior psychology lecturer at the University of St Andrews, déjà vu is not just a feeling of familiarity but also “the metacognitive recognition that these feelings are misplaced."  

“Déjà vu is basically a conflict between the sensation of familiarity and the awareness that familiarity is incorrect. And it’s the awareness that you're being tricked that makes déjà vu so unique compared to other memory events," Dr O’Connor is quoted as having said by this study 

In psychology, deja vu has been associated with various possible mechanisms such as the Split Perception Theory,  Implicit Memory and the Gestalt Familiarity Theory. 

In split perception, déjà vu is caused by a brief glance at an object or scene just prior to a fully aware look. Thus, the perception is split into two parts and appears to be eerily duplicated. In implicit memory,  a prior setting actually has been experienced before by the person but stored in such an indistinct manner that only the sense of familiarity is resurrected. And in Gestalt Familiarity Theory,  the present setting closely resembles something experienced before in outline but not in specifics. 

In cognition and neuroscience, several theories explain the déjà vu experience in scientific terms.  

This research underlined that the empirical research on deja vu  experiences is scanty and the findings are of limited significance.  

“To date the  evaluation of the  clinical  relevance of deja  vu  experiences has  been inadequate and  further research  that also  addresses its  qualitative features  is  warranted," the research revealed. 

‘Occasional déjà vu is not a cause for concern’ 

Dr Dharmendra Singh, Consultant Psychiatrist at Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre in New Delhi told First Check that occasional déjà vu is not necessarily a cause for concern and can occur without any underlying medical condition.  

“Occasional déjà vu is just a fascinating quirk of the brain, but chronic experiences should not be ignored as they might signal underlying issues,” Dr Singh said, adding that in some cases, medical conditions like temporal lobe epilepsy, seizures, or sleep apnea are associated with déjà vu. “When déjà vu becomes repetitive or chronic, it could be indicative of medical or psychiatric issues.”  

He continued: “Psychiatric conditions such as long-term stress, anxiety disorders, depression, or even schizophrenia can also trigger such episodes. And brain circuit malfunctions and memory recall issues can also contribute to the phenomenon.” 

Sometimes, people with excellent memory recall might experience déjà vu because their brain retrieves a memory that feels real, even if it didn’t actually happen, Dr Singh  pointed out, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice for chronic or recurring déjà vu.  

“Professional help should be sought if someone repeatedly experiences déjà vu or has it along with seizures, it could indicate temporal lobe epilepsy or another neurological disorder. t in such cases,” he advised. 

Takeaway: While occasional déjà vu is harmless, persistent or chronic episodes should not be ignored, as they may signal underlying neurological or psychological conditions requiring medical attention. 


Also read: EXPLAINER: Early birds vs night owls – who scores higher on brain performance? - First Check

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