Explainer: Why moderation is crucial in caffeine consumption


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caffeine consumption

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to poor sleep quality, increased heart rate, risks of hypertension and heart disease. 

By Vani Singh 

Many individuals turn to caffeinated drinks to combat drowsiness, but excessive caffeine intake can lead to adverse effects, including stress, sleep disturbances, and even fatalities. A famous North American bakery-cafe restaurant chain now faces two wrongful death lawsuits, where family members allege that their loved ones died after consuming a highly caffeinated sugar-sweetened lemonade.

First things first – let’s understand what’s caffeine. Derived from various plants, caffeine is a common central nervous system stimulant. It interferes with adenosine receptors, disrupting the signal for sleepiness. Additionally, caffeine increases cortisol and epinephrine levels, contributing to feelings of excitement and stress. While caffeine has benefits like increased alertness and potential memory enhancement, health experts emphasise its downsides, urging moderation.

Studies show that excessive caffeine intake can lead to various health issues, such as poor sleep quality, increased heart rate, and long-term risks like hypertension and heart disease. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, chronic liver disease, or severe hypertension, face heightened vulnerability to caffeine’s effects. Pregnant women are also advised to limit caffeine intake due to potential risks to fetal growth.

The US FDA recommends a daily caffeine limit of 400 milligrams for healthy adults, equivalent to around four small cups of coffee. Children over 12 can safely consume up to 100 milligrams daily, but caution is advised, mainly due to the limited research on younger populations. 

One of the challenges in assessing caffeine intake lies in the stimulant’s natural occurrence in items like coffee, tea, and chocolate, in which it isn’t listed as an additive. Experts advocate for more transparent labelling of caffeine quantities in products to mitigate risks associated with overconsumption. In particular, the regulation of highly caffeinated energy drinks is an area needing urgent attention, including potential age restrictions on their purchase.

As we decode the caffeine conundrum, the dangers of overconsumption and urgent need for clearer labelling become evident. Promoting awareness, education, and regulation regarding caffeine consumption is vital to ensuring public health and safety. Both consumers and manufacturers must be mindful of caffeine intake and its potential consequences to prevent adverse health outcomes.
