First Check Diaries by Jisha Krishnan


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Jisha Krishnan

I come bearing exciting news: First Check has a new website! And we would love to get your feedback and suggestions. Tell us what you like, what you don’t. What do you think of our sagacious mascot (the eagle doc, Dr Eagle Eye (EI))? I’m all ears

Have you ever sat by a seashore watching the waves? I love the gentle, soothing dance across the waters, against the splendour of the setting sun. What fascinates me the most, though, is watching the rolling shape of a mighty crashing wave. And the impact it has – on the couples, the children, and the people enjoying at the beach.

While waves can be magnificent and therapeutic, they can also bring catastrophic events. Oceanographers know how to spot the dangerous and deadly waves, the ones that can sink ships and take lives. These professionals can help prevent catastrophes, and save countless lives.

In many ways, fact-checkers do a similar job. We study the flow of information and all the complex relationships within the ever-evolving information ecosystem. We call out false, malicious, harmful content that can wreak havoc in people’s lives, cause grave distress, and/ hamper people’s ability to make informed choices.

At First Check, our focus is on health dis/misinformation. In the sea of false narratives, unscientific remedies, fear-mongering accounts from dubious health “experts”, it’s critical to amplify the voice of science and evidence-based medicine. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a reality check; the world can no longer afford to ignore this massive global public health threat.

In 2019, when we started First Check, few people understood the urgency of the need to address health misinformation. Today, we see a greater willingness in all our conversations and collaborations. A stronger commitment to set things right, to make a positive difference.

Currently, 53 medical professionals, researchers, journalists, and technologists from 24 countries are part of First Check’s unique, global volunteer network. Earlier this year, First Check bagged the Global Fact Check Fund’s BUILD Award by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). The grant aims to help fact-checking organisations scale or upgrade their online presence.

As a verified signatory of the IFCN’s Code of Principles, First Check has been at the forefront of identifying and combating unscientific health claims and harmful remedies on and off social media. Our brand-new website is an important step in our mission of creating a healthier future.

Because the future depends on what we do today. (Was it Gandhi who really said that?) At First Check, we are strengthening the fight against health misinformation, powered by collaborations that promote critical thinking and access to credible health information. Won’t you join us?

Jisha Krishnan
Editor, First Check
