RFK Jr: ‘A sick child is the USA’s most valuable asset’ at Trump ally’s event

At the DC Health Crisis Roundtable, RFK Jr. said that politicians claim they had the best healthcare system, but that's a lie


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The US healthcare system is “an existential threat to our country,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Monday told members of a congressional roundtable on nutrition and the prevalence of chronic illness.

The former Democrat served as a headliner for a four-hour roundtable presentation. Moderated by Senator Ron Johnson, a hard-right Republican from Wisconsin, the event was titled American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion. The Atlantic in its piece on the event, described the title as “an apt name, given that the whole thing had a very do-your-own-research vibe.”

Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump for president last month. The two forged an alliance that Kennedy has begun referring to as MAHA (Make America Healthy Again).

Atlantic wrote, “The alliance was the natural culmination of a broader trend in American politics that has seen the Trumpian right meld with the vax-skeptical, anti-establishment left: Woo-woo meets MAGA, you could call it, or, perhaps, the crunch-ificiation of conservatism. Since dropping out of the presidential race, Kennedy has been angling for a role in Trump’s orbit, because he—like others in the room yesterday—is desperate for any vehicle toward relevance. And so far, allegiance to Trump has offered more of a spotlight than anything that came before.”

At the Health Crisis Roundtable in DC, RFK Jr, as he is popularly known, said that “when discussing improvements to U.S. healthcare policy, politicians from both parties often say we have the best healthcare system in the world. That is a lie.”

“If the American experiment fails, it will not be because we had the wrong marginal tax rate. It won't be because we don't have the perfectly optimized level of social safety net spending. It won't be because of the culture war and DEI issues at the media trumpets to orchestrate the division among all of us. No, if America fails, the chief reason will be because we let our country get sicker, more depressed, fatter, more infertile, at an increasing rate while crippling our national security, bankrupting our national budget with healthcare costs,” he claimed.

“Every major pillar of the U.S. healthcare system, as a statement of economic fact, makes money when Americans get sick," he said, while adding that "the most valuable asset in this country today is a sick child.”

“In America, 74% of Americans are now overweight or obese, including 50% of our children... We are mass poisoning all of our children and all of our adults.” he said.

However, he said that all was not lost, and things could change if one takes "a sledgehammer to corruption.”

“The FDA, the USDA, and the CDC are all controlled by giant for-profit corporations... For 19 years, I have prayed to God every morning to put me in a position to end this calamity. I believe we have the opportunity for transformational bipartisan change to transform American health," he said.


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