Fact-check: The connection between gastric issues and stress in relationships


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gastric issues and stress

Stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotional conflicts can manifest in various bodily symptoms.

According to a trending video on Instagram, there is a strong connection between the indigestion problems one may be facing and the strained relationship they share with their father. Does that mean the next time your stomach churns uncomfortably, you need to consider not just what you ate, but also the emotional ingredients of your relationship with your dad? 

Here's an interesting fact: The gut-brain axis (GBA) facilitates two-way communication between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, connecting the emotional and cognitive regions of the brain with the functions of the intestines. Research highlights the significant role of gut microbiota in shaping these connections. This interplay between microbiota and GBA is reciprocal, involving signaling from the gut microbiota to the brain and vice versa, mediated through neural, endocrine, immune, and humoral pathways. 

Another research identifies paternal rearing behaviours as predictors of eating psychopathology. The study finds that paternal rejection holds particular importance in the context of eating disorder psychopathology. Researchers have also explored the importance of family dynamics, particularly the relationship between fathers and daughters, in the aetiology of eating disorders like bulimia. 

Our mental and emotional states can have a profound impact on our physical health. Studies shed light on the pathways of stress-related diseases to show how stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotional conflicts can manifest in various bodily symptoms. 

As researchers continue to unravel the mysteries of the mind-body connection, it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all explanation. Not all indigestion problems are related to “daddy issues”. We need to adopt a more nuanced and balanced approach to understanding the interplay between emotional well-being and physical health. 

Medically reviewed by Dr Navneet Agarwal, consulting physician and diabetologist from Gwalior, India. 

Read More : Fact-check: Chiropractic therapy not a magic bullet for gastrointestinal problems 
