Fact-check: Easy remedies for muscle cramps


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muscle cramps

Replenishing electrolytes like potassium and sodium, or stretching and massaging the affected muscle may help alleviate the pain. 

“Does drinking water help cure cramps?” asked a First Check reader. Another query was about “the effectiveness of consuming sesame seed balls to alleviate pain during cramps”. First Check gets you the science-backed answer. 

Cramping, or tightening of muscles, is a common issue that often goes away on its own within minutes. However, sometimes the pain may last longer, prompting the pursuit of home remedies. 

Given that dehydration is a common cause of cramps, consuming water may provide relief in some cases; but not if the cramp is caused by factors other than dehydration. Muscle cramps can be triggered by overuse (exercise) or electrolyte imbalances. In such cases, replenishing electrolytes like potassium and sodium, or stretching and massaging the affected muscle may be more effective in alleviating the pain. Sometimes, a warm shower also helps. 

As far as consuming “sesame seed balls” or sesame seeds is concerned, there may be some merit in the home remedy based on the nutritional composition of sesame seeds. Rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium – minerals that play crucial roles in muscle function, relaxation, and preventing cramps – sesame seeds also boast of dietary fibre and anti-inflammatory properties.

While these home remedies may be beneficial, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare professional in case the cramps are severe or persist for long. It could be a sign of some underlying health condition, such as a kidney problem or thyroid issue, that calls for timely medical intervention.  

To fact-check any health-related claims, mail us at hello@firstcheck.in or WhatsApp us on +91 9311 223145.

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