Higher intake of ultra-processed foods associated with higher mortality: Study
Published on : Jun 6, 2024Ready-to-eat products based on meat, poultry, and seafood present the...
Ready-to-eat products based on meat, poultry, and seafood present the...
Besides the cancer risk associated with the consumption of fruits...
There’s an urgent need for transparent labelling, effective regulation, and...
Inclusion of a variety of nutrient-dense fats as part of...
Recent conflicts in Palestine, Ukraine and Congo underscore how the...
Maintenance of healthy body weight is also affected by one’s...
During irradiation, gamma rays, x-rays, or high-energy electrons pass through...
Processed foods can lead people to consume more than the...
Traditionally, spices have been used in the management of male...
Weird invitations to daredevilry, such as the Ice Bucket Challenge...
Despite several claims of adverse health effects of MSG, studies...
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