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Fact-check: Soursop not an alternative for cancer treatment

Published on : Mar 21, 2023

Although there have been preliminary laboratory trials to test the...

: Rahi Patil
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Fact-check: Sambar cannot prevent, cure colon cancer 

Published on : Mar 15, 2023

The basis of the social media claim is a study...

: Naveed Ahmad Najar
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Fact-check: Asafoetida poses health risks for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers 

Published on : Feb 28, 2023

Despite its purported health benefits, asafoetida should be consumed with...

: Naveed Ahmad Najar
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Myth-buster: Consuming fish and milk together doesn’t cause vitiligo

Published on : Feb 22, 2023

The chronic, autoimmune disorder characterised by patches of depigmented skin...

: Naveed Ahmad Najar
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Fact-check: Beauty products, home remedies cannot make you fairer

Published on : Jan 24, 2023

While many factors influence the skin tone, the pigment melanin...

: Toibah Kirmani
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Fact-check: Acupressure no remedy for common cold

Published on : Dec 12, 2022

While medical science is yet to find a cure for...

: Tej Kumar
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Fact-check: Mud baths not a blanket therapy 

Published on : Dec 9, 2022

Spas and salons do have mud scrubbing treatments, but they...

: Pratibha
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Fact-check: Milk + lemon not an instant remedy for piles

Published on : Dec 9, 2022

Patients with haemorrhoids, particularly those with bleeding haemorrhoids, must be...

: Tej Kumar
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Fact-check: Ice is not the cure, it may relieve symptoms

Published on : Dec 9, 2022

While compulsive ice eating or pagophagia is a health condition...

: Sharmila Saha Roy 
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Don’t ignore period pain

Published on : Apr 20, 2022

Resorting to home remedies found on social media to help...

: Sharmila Saha Roy 
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Home remedies for migraine may not be effective

Published on : Mar 4, 2022

While tea is considered to be a go-to drink for...

: Tej Kumar
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YouTube videos suggesting home remedies to increase oxygen are False

Published on : May 4, 2021

There is no scientific evidence to prove that a combination...

: Sahil Bali
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Can red ant chutney cure Coronavirus?

Published on : Jan 9, 2021

Multiple Facebook posts claim that red ant chutney (sauce) is...

: Tej Kumar
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Debunking 6 viral claims about COVID-19 remedies

Published on : Nov 1, 2020

There’s no dearth of posts on social media platforms claiming...

: First Check Team
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No, putting basil leaves, camphor inside the mask will not purify the air nor it will protect you from Covid-19

Published on : Sep 10, 2020

Videos making false and misleading claims about masks are getting...

: Varadarajan Ananthakrishnan
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Labelling garlic as a cure for cancer is false, misleading

Published on : Aug 21, 2020

A Facebook page is promoting the use of garlic to...

: Abeen Bilal
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Home-made blend of onion, lemon and honey will not prevent a heart attack

Published on : Jul 24, 2020

A video viewed millions of times claims that heart attacks...

: Sista Mukherjee
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No, homemade concoctions may not help in passing kidney stones

Published on : Jul 23, 2020

A Youtube video claims that a concoction of onion, cumin,...

: Abeen Bilal
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No, tying a sack of spices and camphor will not protect you from Covid-19

Published on : Jul 10, 2020

There is no scientific evidence that tying a homemade pouch...

: First Check Team
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No, washing hands with lemon will not protect you from Covid-19

Published on : Jun 22, 2020

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 10 fake...

: Nabeela Khan